Olimex ESP32 boards are supported in the official Arduino IDE for ESP32. We commit updates directly in the ESP32's GitHub. When installing the ESP32 for Arduino IDE refer to these instructions: https://espressif-docs.readthedocs-hosted.com/projects/arduino-esp32/en/latest/installing.html (!) Make sure to use the stable release JSON link in your Arduino IDE (not the stable release link). This link exactly: https://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/package_esp32_index.json (!!) Don't forget to install the ESP32 package in Arduino. This is done via the Boards Manager in Tools > Board menu. (!!!) Select the board from Tools -> Board. Also configure the proper settings, depending if board has PSRAM or not (WORVER or WROOM module) or if anything specific is required. Remember to put the COM port where the device is located. After package is installed you can load example from File -> Examples and look under tab named "Examples for OLIMEX XXX", where XXX is the exact Olimex board you have. To load example for the WIFI go to: File -> Examples -> WiFi -> WiFiScan and Upload to the board. Some of the examples might need manual software redefition on pins to work with the Olimex-made board.