R18 wifi

Started by BJFreeman, April 25, 2013, 06:17:47 PM

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I have successfully booted R18
I am unable to get the wifi working.
I got it working under Debian SD.
using the same steps I can not get an IP.
I am using WEP 128.
I do a iwlist wlan1 scan and see my AP
I have modified the interfaces file and
did the manual steps.

any Ideas?
Fulltimer since 89


WEP? Is router only WEP, would be better WPA. Anyway you need firmware to rtl8188, http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/rtlwifi/.


not sure what I did but got the AP to show in wics
was able to find a compatible encryption between the two.
Fulltimer since 89


Ok the Wicd finally showed the list and I was able to configure R18 under X-11
Fulltimer since 89