PIC32-WEB- SPI Demo menu not showing up on hyperterminal

Started by bmermels, June 04, 2013, 05:51:21 PM

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After programming my PIC32-WEB using MPLAB and pickit3, I could not get the menu for the SPI demo program on the board's web page to show up on hyperterminal.

I followed the instructions in the text file (see below) of the program folder very carefully but I can't seem to get past this step.   

Maybe the RS-232 cable I am using is not correct. Or maybe the program is not properly downloaded in the microchip. I don't know. I tried various types of rs-232 cables and tried reprogramming the software and the menu does not appear.

The instructions for the PIC32-WEB are listed below:

To run "PIC32-WEB_SPI_Demo" on Olimex's "PIC32-WEB" board is required:
1. Program "PIC32-WEB" on-board microcontroller "PIC32MX460F512L-80I/PT" with "PIC32-WEB_SPI_Demo.hex"
2. Remove "PIC32-WEB" power supply and insert "MOD-ENC624J600" board into corresponding EXT1 and ExT2 connectors.
   Then connect "MOD-ENC624J600's" UEXT and "PIC32-WEB's" UEXT connectors via cable.
3. Check and make sure that all "MOD-ENC624J600" and "PIC32-WEB" jumper are set to be in SPI Mode.
   Correct jumpers positions are shown in "PIC32-WEB" schematic. (See the drawn table, column  "Connected to SPI2" )
4. Connect LAN cable into "MOD-ENC624J600" LAN connector.
5. Make physical connection between your computer and "PIC32-WEB's" RS232 connector, open terminal and set it to:
   115200 bits/sec, 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit
6. Insert again Power Supply into "PIC32-WEB's" power jack and you have to see on terminal

   **** Welcom to OLIMEX PIC32-WEB Demo program! *****
            ------ -------- ----------
           | LED  | Status | Emoticon |
            ------ -------- ----------
           | LED1 |   OFF  |  :(     |
           | LED2 |   OFF  |  :(     |
           | LED3 |   OFF  |  :(     |
            ------ -------- ----------

7. Load "PIC32-WEB's" demo web page like just open your web browser and type "http://pic32-web/". Default IP addres is:
8. Enjoy "PIC32-WEB" demo!

Someone help please!!!


Hey bmermels,

Glad you got it going. If isn't much of a problem for you, please, share your findings about the problem and how you solved it.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


First off, the problem (hyperterminal demo menu not showing up) had to do with programming the PIC32-WEB board in MPLAB. The text file in the SPI demo program folder was not very specific on how to program the board correctly. I loaded the hex file like the text file said but instead of programming the device, I only sent the image to the pickit3. (Programmer tab - Settings - -Programmer to go tab- Send Image to Memory)I pressed the programmer to go button thinking the image would transfer to the board. These were the pickit3 manual's instructions if I remember correctly. I felt like an idiot when under the programmer tab in MPLAB there was a program option that I didn't notice. After programming the board correctly, the hyperterminal menu appeared.

In conclusion, I think there should be much more documentation and instruction on how to program the PIC32-WEB somewhere on the web page or in the demo folders so someone else doesn't waste time trying to get past this step.



Hey bmermels,

You are correct that most of our documentation is not clear enough. Trying to improve it.

Thanks for the feedback.

P.S.: There is a new example for PIC32-WEB + MOD-ENC624J600, based on the latest official TCP/IP stack. You may get it from here: https://www.olimex.com/Products/PIC/Development/PIC32-WEB/resources/PIC32-WEB_5.42.zip.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex