Board boot problems

Started by teamteck, November 22, 2013, 01:36:18 AM

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I apologize for my English.
My board is a20 MICRO 4Gb rev. E.
I'm trying to create linux sd card.
I've downloaded image file from here:
I'm performing the procedure for windows:
I am following the instructions at wiki page: A20 Article,  5.1 How to generate boot-able SD-card Debian Linux image for A20-OLinuXino? (WINDOWS)
writing is performed correctly. Then I inserted micro SD into the board connector and insert power connector.
Power led is red and led1(GPIO) is green, but nothing happens, the display does not turn on.
I also tried to connect the monitor via HDMI but the result is the same, the monitor does not turn on.
I have connected serial converter cable from uart board to my pc usb serial port and start board. I can see in real time the trace strings that board sends but text is unrecognizable (I use Hercules software):



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I created a second SD with Android for 10'' LCD AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY using lcd 10" dispaly,

please help me !


Is it a serial converter that includes a (voltage) level shifter? You need that. The output you posted kinda looks like what you'd get with unshifted voltages.

Serial port settings are supposed to be: speed is 115200 bps, 8 bits data, no parity and 1 stop bit and NO hardware flow control.