Torrent server Tutorial

Started by Kiril, February 14, 2014, 07:05:07 PM

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Would anyone like to make a tutorial on installing a torrent client on a A20. I have tried it with linux os, open ssh and transmission. On the "other" Pc you need a terminal(or Putty for Win/Mac) and Filezilla. And you have a torrent server. I have been thinking about such a tutorial.
It should include and introduction in which is explained you need a statical Ip and how to explain it to your internet provider. If your internet provider won't let you have a static Ip - what are the alternatives?
The second part should be about the hardware - what you will need to get from the olimex. If should be explained they could use their old hdd, if they have such, or could buy from the website. The need for a monitor should be expressed.
The third part - about installing ths software - or you could have an image with everything installed, so it will be easier for people. How to check the internet connection, how to ckeck the internet connection is ok... If people are using the same password for everything, they should add a second account for checks - If you are not at home and would like your parents/siblings to check what's the problem with your server, you should not give them your password.
The fourth part should be about using the A20 - the users should be asked to delete the torrent clients on their PC's and to be warned they should not start downloading the torrents, how to add the torrents on the A20 and how to download the data, after the torrent had downloaded.

Hardwere I would suggest:
SATA-HDD-2.5-500GB (optional)
Video - the monitor is very important. So If the user's don't have a monitor they should buy one or use one of yours - they are cheaper and will do the job.
A20-VGA-CABLE (optional)
A13-LCD7 or some other monitor (optional)

I think that If you try to make it as simple as possible a lot of people will be using it.


You don't need a monitor to have a torrent server.
There are many nas that do this job and no one has a monitor.

You don't need a static ip address. You can use a dynamic dns client like,,..

For my torrent server I use mldonkey
I install it by debian package and I replace the binary file with the one I compile. I do this because the package provided by debian is not update to the last version available.
Libminiupnpc is not required but you can install it to make automatically port forwarding on your router.

$ sudo apt-get build-dep mldonkey-server
$ sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libnatpmp-dev libmagic-dev
$ wget
$ tar -xvjf mldonkey-3.1.3.tar.bz2
$ ./configure --enable-upnp-natpmp "CFLAGS=-g -Os" "CXXFLAGS=-g -Os"
$ make
$ sudo apt-get install mldonkey-server
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server stop
$ sudo nano /etc/default/mldonkey-server
$ sudo mv mlnet.byte /usr/bin/mlnet
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server start

/media/data/mldonkey is the path on my sata hd where I download with the service.

I've added some rules to the cron to start automatically the service at night and when I am at work: my internet provider try to filter me if I use deeply p2p network so when I am at home the server is stopped so I can have all my bandwidth without any filters.

Now, you can access at the web-ui of mldonkey with the address, if you use as dynamic dns client. Inside of your network you can access it by olimexa20-ip:4080.
You don't need to access directly to the server with a monitor. You can access to it by any device by the web-ui.

I also use flexget ( ) to download automatically my tv series.
When MLDonkey ends to download a file it sends me an email.
I can access them with samba sharing the mldonkey download directory.
With MiniDLNA ( I can also access to the film and tv series from my xbox 360.