A20-MICRO-4GB: No output on HDMI, no green LED

Started by OliJourney, January 26, 2014, 01:08:00 PM

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I just bought a A20-MICRO-4GB and try to start it the first time.

I just bought a A20-MICRO-4GB and try to start it the first time.

After connecting power (12V) the red Power-LED lights up but nothing else happens - no output on HDMI (tried it at 2 different TVs) and no other LED lights up.

I tired it with the pre-installed Android and also with a SD-Card with the Debian image - both the same.
Also pushing the power button (short or long time) doesn't help.

If I plug in the LAN cable, the green LED at the Ethernet port lights up but the yellow one stays off.

So my question is:
Is the board defect?
I had read in the forum, that a green GPIO LED will light up at start up, is this correct?


Hi OliJourney,

do you have a 3.3V USART to USB cable ? ( USB-Serial-Cable-F: https://www.olimex.com/Products/Components/Cables/USB-Serial-Cable/USB-Serial-Cable-F )

Connect this to UART 0 and a terminal emulation. The parameters are: 115200 8N1

Here you will see  the boot messages (at least with Debian!)
From the go as described in the WIKI ("How to change HDMI, VGA and LCD resolutions?")

... been there, seen that !

enjoy the board, its really great!

-- rfk


I have now bought a USB-Serial-Cable and I get this output:

HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
boot0 version : 2.0.0˜
read dram para.
dram driver version: 1.15
dram size =1024MB
super_standby_flag = 0
Succeed in opening nand flash.
block from 2 to 6
deal block 2
Succeed in reading Boot1 file head.
The size of Boot1 is 0x00068000.
The file stored in 0x00000000 of block 2 is perfect.
Check is correct.
Ready to disable icache.
Succeed in loading Boot1.
Jump to Boot1.
[       0.147] boot1 version : 2.0.0
[       0.147] script installed early ok
[       0.148] pmu type = 3
[       0.252] bat vol = 712 mv
[       0.265] axi:ahb:apb=4:2:2
[       0.265] set dcdc2=1400mv, clock=912M successed
[       0.268] key
[       0.280] no key found
[       0.280] flash init start
[       0.280] NB1 : enter NFB_Init

[       0.283] NB1 : enter phy init

[       0.286] [NAND] nand driver(b) version: 0x0x00000002, 0x0x00000012, data: 0x20130627

[       0.294] get the good blk ratio from hwscan : 870

[       0.299] NB1 : nand phy init ok

[       1.085] _RepairLogBlkTbl start

[       1.088] Log Block Index 0x00000000, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000013c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.092] log0: 0x0000003f, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.098] datablock: 0x00000144, lastusedpage: 0x00000001

[       1.106] Log Block Index 0x00000001, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000015c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.112] log0: 0x0000003e, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.119] datablock: 0x00000164, lastusedpage: 0x00000000

[       1.127] Log Block Index 0x00000002, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000017c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.133] log0: 0x00000041, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.139] datablock: 0x00000185, lastusedpage: 0x00000001

[       1.147] Log Block Index 0x00000003, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000019d, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.154] log0: 0x00000043, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.160] datablock: 0x000001a6, lastusedpage: 0x00000085

[       1.168] Log Block Index 0x00000004, LogicBlockNum: 0x000001bc, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.174] log0: 0x00000040, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.181] datablock: 0x000001c5, lastusedpage: 0x00000001

[       1.188] Log Block Index 0x00000005, LogicBlockNum: 0x000001e0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.195] log0: 0x00000045, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.201] datablock: 0x000001e9, lastusedpage: 0x000000d9

[       1.209] Log Block Index 0x00000006, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009d, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.215] log0: 0x00000319, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.222] datablock: 0x0000031a, lastusedpage: 0x0000002c

[       1.229] Log Block Index 0x00000007, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000d3, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.236] log0: 0x0000031c, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.243] datablock: 0x0000005b, lastusedpage: 0x000000d8

[       1.251] Log Block Index 0x00000008, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c1, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.257] log0: 0x0000031b, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.263] datablock: 0x0000031e, lastusedpage: 0x00000000

[       1.271] Log Block Index 0x00000009, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c6, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.277] log0: 0x0000031f, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.284] datablock: 0x0000004f, lastusedpage: 0x00000052

[       1.292] Log Block Index 0x0000000a, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b8, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.298] log0: 0x00000321, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.304] datablock: 0x00000322, lastusedpage: 0x0000000f

[       1.312] Log Block Index 0x0000000b, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c4, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.319] log0: 0x00000325, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.325] datablock: 0x0000004d, lastusedpage: 0x0000007c

[       1.333] Log Block Index 0x0000000c, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c3, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.339] log0: 0x00000327, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.346] datablock: 0x0000004c, lastusedpage: 0x000000c3

[       1.353] Log Block Index 0x0000000d, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b7, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.360] log0: 0x0000032b, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.366] datablock: 0x0000032c, lastusedpage: 0x0000004d

[       1.374] Log Block Index 0x0000000e, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.380] log0: 0x0000032e, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.387] datablock: 0x00000049, lastusedpage: 0x000000c6

[       1.395] Log Block Index 0x0000000f, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b5, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.401] log0: 0x00000330, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.408] datablock: 0x00000331, lastusedpage: 0x0000000f

[       1.416] Log Block Index 0x00000010, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b9, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.422] log0: 0x00000332, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.428] datablock: 0x00000333, lastusedpage: 0x00000000

[       1.436] Log Block Index 0x00000011, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000092, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.442] log0: 0x00000334, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.449] datablock: 0x00000335, lastusedpage: 0x000000b1

[       1.456] Log Block Index 0x00000012, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000be, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.463] log0: 0x00000336, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.469] datablock: 0x00000047, lastusedpage: 0x000000b7

[       1.477] Log Block Index 0x00000013, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000093, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.484] log0: 0x0000033a, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.490] datablock: 0x0000033b, lastusedpage: 0x00000075

[       1.498] Log Block Index 0x00000014, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.504] log0: 0x0000033c, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.511] datablock: 0x0000033d, lastusedpage: 0x00000027

[       1.518] Log Block Index 0x00000015, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000bc, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.525] log0: 0x0000033e, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.531] datablock: 0x0000003a, lastusedpage: 0x0000004d

[       1.539] Log Block Index 0x00000016, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000094, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.545] log0: 0x00000345, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.552] datablock: 0x00000346, lastusedpage: 0x000000dc

[       1.559] Log Block Index 0x00000017, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b4, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.566] log0: 0x0000034a, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.573] datablock: 0x00000032, lastusedpage: 0x000000ff

[       1.580] Log Block Index 0x00000018, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000ac, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.587] log0: 0x00000350, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.593] datablock: 0x0000002b, lastusedpage: 0x00000032

[       1.601] Log Block Index 0x00000019, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a5, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.607] log0: 0x0000034f, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.614] datablock: 0x00000351, lastusedpage: 0x0000000a

[       1.622] Log Block Index 0x0000001a, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000aa, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.628] log0: 0x00000352, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.634] datablock: 0x00000029, lastusedpage: 0x000000bf

[       1.642] Log Block Index 0x0000001b, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000091, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.649] log0: 0x00000356, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.655] datablock: 0x00000357, lastusedpage: 0x0000004e

[       1.663] Log Block Index 0x0000001c, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a2, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.669] log0: 0x00000358, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.676] datablock: 0x00000359, lastusedpage: 0x00000000

[       1.684] Log Block Index 0x0000001d, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a4, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.690] log0: 0x0000035a, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.696] datablock: 0x00000023, lastusedpage: 0x0000001f

[       1.704] Log Block Index 0x0000001e, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a3, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.710] log0: 0x0000035b, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.717] datablock: 0x00000022, lastusedpage: 0x0000009c

[       1.725] Log Block Index 0x0000001f, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a1, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.731] log0: 0x0000035d, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.738] datablock: 0x00000020, lastusedpage: 0x00000098

[       1.745] Log Block Index 0x00000020, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.752] log0: 0x0000035f, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.758] datablock: 0x000000b8, lastusedpage: 0x00000095

[       1.766] Log Block Index 0x00000021, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000090, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.772] log0: 0x00000360, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.779] datablock: 0x00000042, lastusedpage: 0x000000dd

[       1.786] Log Block Index 0x00000022, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000095, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.793] log0: 0x0000035e, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.799] datablock: 0x00000361, lastusedpage: 0x00000067

[       1.807] Log Block Index 0x00000023, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000a0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.814] log0: 0x00000362, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.820] datablock: 0x0000001f, lastusedpage: 0x000000d1

[       1.828] Log Block Index 0x00000024, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009f, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.834] log0: 0x00000363, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.841] datablock: 0x0000001e, lastusedpage: 0x000000e0

[       1.848] Log Block Index 0x00000025, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009e, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.855] log0: 0x00000364, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.861] datablock: 0x0000001d, lastusedpage: 0x000000df

[       1.869] Log Block Index 0x00000026, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000c7, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.875] log0: 0x00000365, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.882] datablock: 0x00000021, lastusedpage: 0x0000004d

[       1.890] Log Block Index 0x00000027, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b6, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.896] log0: 0x00000367, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.903] datablock: 0x00000368, lastusedpage: 0x00000010

[       1.910] Log Block Index 0x00000028, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009b, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.917] log0: 0x0000036b, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.923] datablock: 0x0000001a, lastusedpage: 0x0000007d

[       1.931] Log Block Index 0x00000029, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000009a, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.937] log0: 0x0000036c, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.944] datablock: 0x00000019, lastusedpage: 0x000000ca

[       1.953] Log Block Index 0x0000002a, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000098, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.958] log0: 0x0000036e, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.964] datablock: 0x00000017, lastusedpage: 0x00000080

[       1.972] Log Block Index 0x0000002b, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000b1, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.979] log0: 0x00000369, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       1.985] datablock: 0x00000379, lastusedpage: 0x00000019

[       1.993] Log Block Index 0x0000002c, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000097, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       1.999] log0: 0x0000036d, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.006] datablock: 0x0000037a, lastusedpage: 0x0000001a

[       2.013] Log Block Index 0x0000002d, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000bd, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.020] log0: 0x0000037c, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.026] datablock: 0x0000001c, lastusedpage: 0x0000002c

[       2.034] Log Block Index 0x0000002e, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000011e, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.040] log0: 0x00000398, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.047] datablock: 0x00000126, lastusedpage: 0x00000089

[       2.054] Log Block Index 0x0000002f, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000f0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.061] log0: 0x000003b8, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.068] datablock: 0x000000f8, lastusedpage: 0x0000003a

[       2.075] Log Block Index 0x00000030, LogicBlockNum: 0x00000096, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.082] log0: 0x000003d8, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.088] datablock: 0x00000015, lastusedpage: 0x000000dc

[       2.096] Log Block Index 0x00000031, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000011c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.102] log0: 0x00000124, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.109] datablock: 0x000003f9, lastusedpage: 0x0000003c

[       2.116] Log Block Index 0x00000032, LogicBlockNum: 0x0000019c, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.123] log0: 0x000003fc, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.129] datablock: 0x00000044, lastusedpage: 0x0000000c

[       2.137] Log Block Index 0x00000033, LogicBlockNum: 0x000000d0, LogBlockType: 0x00000000

[       2.144] log0: 0x000003fd, Log1: 0x0000ffff, WriteIndex: 0x00000000

[       2.150] datablock: 0x000000d8, lastusedpage: 0x0000009b

[       2.156] _RepairLogBlkTbl end

[       2.169] NB1 : init ok

[       2.169] flash init finish
[       2.171] fs init ok
[       2.173] fattype FAT16
[       2.174] fs mount ok
[       2.178] nand good_block_ratio=870
[       2.180] storage_type=0
[       2.192] 0

[       2.193] set pc

[       2.193] usbdc_vol = 4000, usbdc_cur = 0

[       2.195] usbpc_vol = 4400, usbpc_cur = 0

[       2.199] init to usb pc

[       2.202] set pc

[       2.284] battery enough

[       2.285] power_start=0x00000000

[       2.285] pre sys mode
[       2.288] key value = 0

[       2.290] recovery key high 40, low 4

[       2.311] show pic finish

[       2.311] load kernel start

[       2.330] load kernel successed

[       2.330] start address = 0x4a000000

[       2.821] power exit detect

U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geceb6aa-dirty (Sep 17 2013 - 14:53:57) Allwinner Technology

CPU:   SUNXI Family
Board: SUN7I-EVB
DRAM:  1 GiB
NAND:  [NAND] set nand_good_block_ratio 870
3480 MiB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
--------fastboot partitions--------
-total partitions:11-
-name-        -start-       -size-     
bootloader  : 8000          8000       
env         : 10000         8000       
boot        : 18000         8000       
system      : 20000         100000     
data        : 120000        100000     
misc        : 220000        8000       
recovery    : 228000        10000       
cache       : 238000        100000     
databk      : 338000        80000       
private     : 3b8000        8000       
UDISK       : 3c0000        30c000     
bootcmd set setargs_nand
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  3  2  1  0

Starting kernel ...

[    3.345018] init: width = 800
[    3.348332] init: height = 480
[    3.351779] init: s.st_size = 1536000
[    3.606865] init: do_umount: /data
[    4.058064] init: do_umount: /cache
[    4.362687] init: dont need format /dev/block/UDISK
[    4.381624] init: do_umount: /databk
[    5.197475] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[    5.834571] i2c i2c-1: Invalid 7-bit I2C address 0x00
[    6.025283] android_usb: already disabled
[    6.030440] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
[    6.044619] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property 'sys.usb.config', use ${name} instead
[   10.985208] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1003  name:service.bootanim.exit

After that, the output stops: No Linux shell, no possibility to enter a command!
Always nearly the same output no matter if I try to boot Android (from the internal flash) or Debian-Linux from SD card.
What is wrong? Can anyone help?


I'm having the same issue.  Just bought an A20 with Nand.  Stuck at the same debug line, with red light...



I was able to make it work.  I dug up the forums starting from day one and scanned it  ;D  (it seems my search keywords were flawed).
Anyway someone mentioned plugging a mouse before booting up.  It worked!  I was able to use my hdmi-capable tv and saw the android desktop.