2D acceleration in Debian?

Started by slayvin, February 19, 2014, 08:16:07 PM

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I'm a new owner of the A20 board and I'm running Debian from the the microSD card.
The board boots correctly and I'm directly set on Debian desktop! Just curious why there is no login/password confirmation?
Anyway, I run the 'lsmod' command and I can see the mali module is loaded.
Unfortunately, the interface (X11, right? Sorry I'm new to the Linux world) is quite slow. I was wondering how to achieve 2D acceleration? Do I need to install drivers, how?

My ultimate goal is to run a full-screen interface (on the 15.6" LCD, in 1366*768) with 2D graphics animation (html5 + javascript), while there is a simulation running in c++ in the background (webcam image analysis). The interface should run as smooth as possible.
Can the board do that?
Is there alternatives to the html5 & javascript? webGl, openGL? is it supported by the A20 with Debian?

Any idea would help! But basically the first issue I want to resolve is 2D graphics acceleration for the interface.
