Has anyone gotten SMS to work?

Started by dave-at-axon, January 27, 2014, 10:01:25 AM

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I have installed a GSM modem on USB and it gets detected, the signal shows good and if I disable WiFi, the modem connects to GPRS. Data is good and it works.

There was no application installed to send or receive SMS so I installed 8sms from the Play store and I am able to send SMS but it does not appear to receive anything even though the message does show delivered when I send it from my phone. It seems to be stuck in limbo.

Looking in the source code I see that there is an SMS receiver but not sure if this is included in the final build.

The reference RIL that handles the modem does have SMS handling so I am stuck just now to find out where they are going.


I had the same issue...
Does anybody know another apllication, which also supports calls?



Calls I think are more difficult as the vast majority of the USB modems are data only. At least the ones I have seen have been.



In reference to voice capability.

There is a configuration XML file that has an entry to enable voice calling. If your modem supports voice it might be worth changing this to true. It's default is false.

It's located here in the source.

android4.2/device/softwinner/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/value and is called config.xml


Thanks for your help :)
Sorry for that late reply, but I have one more Question.
Where is this Path? in the Android source code? if so, where can I download it, and how can I load it on the flash?



Hi Kerkules,

There is source here linked on my blog


Before you go downloading these files, you'll need an Ubuntu Linux 12.04 setup to be able to compile it. There is information on my blog on the setup for this. If you don't have a Linux PC, just install an Oracle Virtual PC on your Windows or Mac setup and then install Ubuntu to this.

The path is the location in the source tree.

All the information on how to flash it is in the blog.