Does TWI0 need to be active for the A13 board to work properly?

Started by mikenycz, April 30, 2014, 04:18:33 PM

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I was looking for some extra GPIO's to use and since I was not using the TWI interfaces I thought that I would make use of them. When I turn off TWI1 and TWI2 everything looks good. When I turned off TWI0 the LCD display did not come up when I booted the board. Is TWI0 needed for normal board operation? Or, more specifically, can the TWI0 pins be re-purposed as GPIO? I see in the schematic that these two pins go into the AXP209 module in the power supply section. Does the AXP209 require that these two pins be defined as a TWI port?

Thank you,
Mike Nycz


I don't know much about the A13 but if you have an OS that takes care of power then you will need the TWI0 to be active for the AXP209.

On the A20 I have, if I cause any issues on the TWI0, which is connected to the AXP209, then the system has big issues with power control and lots of kernel errors.

Better you leave it active.