logging time of death (or other values) in DS1307

Started by flavigny, November 19, 2012, 12:35:26 PM

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at this time, when my O'Maxi crashes I lost SdCard, here is an easy way to keep some values, for me last time running.
I connected a (3$ clock-chip: DS1307; see previous post) and installed i2c-tools
I wrote script copying time in external memory:
prepare script x:
[root@alarm ~]# cat > x
while [ true ]
for i in {0..6}
i2cset -y 0 104 0x1$i `i2cget -y 0 104 $i`
sleep 1

start it:
[root@alarm ~]# chmod +x x
[root@alarm ~]# ./x&
[1] 337
[root@alarm ~]#

watch logged time:
[root@alarm ~]# i2cdump -y -r 0-31 0 104 b
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00: 47 16 07 04 12 0b 0c 13 27 40 47 07 07 04 12 0b
10: 45 16 07 04 12 0b 0c 00 30 38 54 29 20 16 01 82

[root@alarm ~]#