Display problems with A20-OLinuXino-MICRO

Started by phonzie, October 08, 2013, 01:46:52 AM

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Hello, everyone.

I received my new OLinuXino late last week.

I connected it to an older DVI/VGA LCD monitor.

When I first connected the board with a HDMI/DVI cable, the screen booted up with the two Tux and the login, but the screen had a pink hue.  I launched XFE and the screen was still pink.  Everything seemed to be in place.

I powered down the board and connected it back to the same monitor, this time to vga, via an hdmi to vga/audio converter.  This time, the pink hue was gone, but on both the terminal and the desktop, everything was shifted over, parts off of the screen.

I connected the board via hdmi to a plasma tv.  No problems with the pink hue, but parts of the screen were missing.

I then connected the board to a vga lcd monitor with a hdmi to vga converter.  No pink hue, and everything was on the screen, but the screen looked stretched.

I tried to run the change_display.sh, but the file appears to be missing.

I would appreciate any suggestions.


I think the the change_display script and the different script.bin files are only part of the Olimex Debian image revision 3.
You can experiment with the the official A20-OLinuXino FEX file and generate script.bin for your needs.
Link to FEX file:
Link to FEX guide:
You will be mostly interested in [disp_init] section.
Once you modify the FEX file you need fex2bin from sunxi-tools https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools to convert the FEX file to script.bin
Then upload the script.bin file to /boot partition of your sdcard and reboot.
Repeat all steps above until you are satisfied with the output on the screen.


Quote from: phonzie on October 08, 2013, 01:46:52 AM
I tried to run the change_display.sh, but the file appears to be missing.
I'm not a linux guru, but sometimes being in the right folder isn't enough.
This trick works for a lot of non-system commands that are "not recognized" even though it's right there.


An linux n00b myself, but the ./xx notation is know, refer to shellscript in the current directory, since it's not in the path for executable apps (i think it's an security measure)


Thanks to everyone for replying.  I've meant to reply sooner.

The SD card that I referred to at the beginning of this post was preloaded with the OS.  I'm sure it was an older version that the US distributer had in stock.  I used another micro SD card and installed the Arch Linux distribution.  I noticed that there was just a slight pink line to the very left edge, other than that, everything was perfect.

I reformatted the SD card and installed the latest image of Debian, and sure enough it had the same pink line in the far left.  Which does not bother me.  All in all, it's working great.

All the best.


hi phonzie,
forgive me for resurrecting this old thread, but I'm trying to hook up my olinuxino to my old VGA/DVI monitor (DVI 1440x900 at 60Hz).
The problem is I can see the U-boot screen but as soon as the kernel starts the monitor says that there's an unsupported resolution.
I tried to use 720p 50 and 60, and even 576i (because the same mode number for the VGA states 1440x900, just a try ;) ) with no success.
What are your script.fex settings?