A20 Android UEXT Support

Started by moukov, July 16, 2015, 02:31:37 PM

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I have a A20-SOM-EVB card with a GPS Module.
Since the GPS module seems to be not supported by default on the android image, I was trying to communicate with the module directly using the android tools.

Problem : After having installed super su, updated it, and run android tools, the apk fails immediately.

I tried a workaround : using the serial port api sample apk, I tried to find the correct port to communicate with the gps.
Again without success.

I any one dealed with UEXT communication on a A20-SOM-EVB board, i'll be very interested.
Also if you have any other hints for using the GPS module on this board, even with debian or something else, feel free to share your knowledge.

I know its a difficult topic :) , here, due to the lack of documentation, I'm close to transform my board into a frisbee or something (an expensive frisbee)