A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2-4GB 10"TS Support instructions

Started by gsbMechatr, January 04, 2016, 03:24:23 PM

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Hi All,

I noticed there was no official pre-built image supporting the LCD 10"TS for android available for the A20-OLINUXINO-LIME2-4GB and I received no answers on the forum with regards to a how-to or a link to a prebuilt one. I played with it this morning and managed to get it working by editing the 7"TS official image from olimex to support the 10". It's not difficult at all.

I'm sure someone else out there will require the same setup sometime, so I'm going to put what i did, here:-

1) Download the official android image for the 7"TS from here: https://www.olimex.com/wiki/A20-OLinuXino-LIME2#Android   

2) read and familiarize with this wiki while your image is downloading - this is how we are going to edit the 7" Image to support a 10"TS
  https://www.olimex.com/wiki/How_to_edit_prebuilt_Android_images, specifically "The algorithm to edit the Android     image for the NAND memory"

3) open the image with dragonFace once it has downloaded

4) under the Advnaced Settings tab, click on system configuration (The wiki shows how to do this), it will open a notepad with system configuration information

5) Inside this sysconfig1.lhs file, find the sub section called [lcd0_para] and edit the settings (or you can simply copy and paste) to match the following
lcd_used                = 1

lcd_x                   = 1024
lcd_y                   = 600
lcd_width              = 0
lcd_height             = 0
lcd_dclk_freq           = 45
lcd_pwm_not_used        = 0
lcd_pwm_ch              = 0
lcd_pwm_freq            = 10000
lcd_pwm_pol             = 0
lcd_if                  = 0
lcd_hbp                 = 160
lcd_ht                  = 1200
lcd_vbp                 = 23
lcd_vt                  = 1250
lcd_vspw                = 2
lcd_hspw                = 10
lcd_hv_if               = 0
lcd_hv_smode            = 0
lcd_hv_s888_if          = 0
lcd_hv_syuv_if          = 0
lcd_lvds_ch             = 0
lcd_lvds_mode           = 0
lcd_lvds_bitwidth       = 0
lcd_lvds_io_cross       = 0
lcd_cpu_if              = 0
lcd_frm                 = 1
lcd_io_cfg0             = 0x10000000
lcd_gamma_correction_en = 0
lcd_gamma_tbl_0         = 0x00000000
lcd_gamma_tbl_1         = 0x00010101
lcd_gamma_tbl_255       = 0x00ffffff

6) Save the image and upload to the NAND of your board using Phoenix Suit (Following instructions under "How to download new Android image to the NAND memory of my A20 board?" which can be found here: https://www.olimex.com/wiki/A20-OLinuXino-LIME2  )

7) Boot up, you should have 10"TS support.

I hope this can help someone. I'll look into uploading it somewhere if there is a demand. South African internet is pretty slow, so it will take a while.
