Small LCDs with RGB Interface

Started by elmood, January 26, 2017, 05:43:14 PM

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I'm looking at some of the Olimex A20 boards hoping that I can drive a small 2.4" or 3.5" LCD like the ones from They normally use an ILI9341 or similar and have resolutions between about 240x320 and 320x480. (portrait mode) They accept either pixel writes to internal GRAM, but also have an RGB interface that will work up to RGB666 mode.

Is it possible to configure the Olimex Linux distro for stuff like this without writing custom drivers? One of the catches is that these screens also need to be spoken to over SPI to configure the RGB interface before it will accept pixels. So the driver (or some other program?) would have to configure the correct RGB interface mode near boot time.

Does anyone have experience using a display like this? Links to some examples?



Why not follow what others have done for similar dev boards like RPi?



Hi John,

These configurations seem to be highly dependent on certain configuration options and driver features being available on the distro aimed for a particular board.

So I want to know specifically whether my chosen type of screen would work. The data format can probably be made on the LCD port, but the screen config (via SPI) is also needed. I haven't come across anything which talks about that, or whether there are drivers already set up for doing this kind of initialization on startup.



Good luck.

With a dev board most people accept that the "dev" for things like this means the one who wants it!

An alternative is to buy a supported display.  Likely to cost more.  Your choice.
