USB Slow Transfer Speed

Started by gsbMechatr, August 23, 2018, 05:47:23 PM

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Copying to a USB drive from my A20 Lime 2 is extremely slow. I am running the latest image downloaded from the website. It takes about 15minutes to copy 79mb. Is this normal for this board?

Copying off from the USB onto the A20 is really fast, expected speed.

I am trying to copy 1.3GB of data onto a USB. Time remaining reports 4hrs+

If there is a fix for this it will save me a lot of time.



Can you check how this USB Flash behave to another computer?
Some USB Flash drives are just slow.
What hdparm show for this Flash drive?


We use many A20, all with stock microSD image.
I can confirm that I have seen this, it seems to be related to USB stick itself.
Some sticks have this problem, others not. I don't know why.
Google #1 result for this problem is:

Removing the sync option in /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf

This made my problem "go away", but I suspect at cost of reliability??

I never investigated any further, but willing to help with testing.