How do i connect MOD-MRF24J40 with OLINUXINO A13?

Started by bimodh, January 18, 2013, 02:19:45 PM

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hey Guyz,

How do i connect MOD-MRF24J40 with OLINUXINO A13? Does that require any driver? How do i send and receive data from the Board, through Linux?


sure it requires driver as MRF24J40 is not something supported in A13 kernel by default
to the best of my knowledge such driver do not exist
if you want to learn how MRF24J40 works you can view the demo codes on our web


if you want to play with Zigbee better option is to use MOD-ZIGBEE-UEXT, it also have MRF24J40 but also PIC on board which implements Zigbee stack - (read Microchip appnote to get familiar with it) and you communicate with A13 through UART messages
otherwise it's a long way if you use only MRF24J40 as it's just transciever and you should implement the Zigbee stack yourself


Thanks for the reply....

Whether the MOD-MRF24J40 has a microcontroller which can be programmed?


I am using a MOD-MRF24J40 Zigbee.

So how can i send and receive data from the os?

Whether i have to write some code inside MOD-MRF24J40(I mean Microcontroller Programming)?

Or whether some drivers are available, which when connected to the OLINUXINO A13 through UEXT, so that i can use some API calls for sending and receiving the data?