Input problem w. UART1 (A13-Micro, diff. kernels)

Started by hhornbacher, February 09, 2013, 12:42:36 AM

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Hi there!

I've bought two A13-onlinuxino-micro boards a couple of days ago. Since then I've compiled a lot of different kernels/settings (sunxi-3.0 and sunxi-3.4) and everything is running, like VGA, USB wifi with rt28xx chip (NO USB Mouse or Keyboard) but the most annoying thing is:

I get all the output correct from UART1 but it doesn't accept input. When in U-Boot I cannot stop autoboot, when booted to login screen I cannot login. (No echo)
I've tested with minicom and screen and an ftdi ttl usb converter.
I allready thought there may be some defect on hardware, but with the other board I had the same problems.

I wourld really appreciate if someone could help me, cause this took me so much time allready, but I dont get it...




FTDI   -->  UART1
TX     -->  RX
RX     -->  TX
GND    --> GND

But I allready tried switching TX and RX, with no better Result. UART0 is in use for microSD signals, so I can't try that...


Disconnect from uart1
Connect Rx to Tx on your ftdi
Can you now type chars in minicom / screen / putty / whatever and they echo back?

If not, that's the clue.



ok, hehe, now i'm really feeling stupid...
I've thought GND (red wire) is TX and the other way -.- this shows how important it is to use appropriate colors for the right singals... Thanks for the hint, btw. ;-)


No worries.  Does that mean you can now login?

Try one of jwischka's kernels :)



Yep, everything works fine, now. I've tried the R13 Kernel of jwischka, but that had some problem with the fb memory reservation (probably because it's not built for the mini with 256MB ram...)

But I had some good success with the sunxi-3.4 with my own .config


Quote from: hhornbacher on February 09, 2013, 10:14:13 PM
Yep, everything works fine, now. I've tried the R13 Kernel of jwischka, but that had some problem with the fb memory reservation (probably because it's not built for the mini with 256MB ram...)

But I had some good success with the sunxi-3.4 with my own .config

Yeah... I don't have a micro right now to build kernels for... sorry :).


no probs, really interesting thread, btw.

but could you maybe give me some hint where I can configure the fb address for mali in the sources?
or is it an fex thing? cause I've allready put my script.bin for micro (with the 256MB) on the card and u-boot is configured right, too.