Debugging connection problem with ColinkEX and STM32-H407

Started by julianmiglio, March 12, 2013, 09:55:20 AM

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Dear Sirs of Olimex support,

I am tring the board STM32-H407 (Device STM32F407ZG) with the debugger ARM-JTSG-COOCOX (ColinkEX).

The problem is that I can't connect the CoIDE debuger to the targhet: when I start the debugger I receive the answer "program loading failed".

I updated the firmware( deleting the old firmware and coping the new firmware file "colinkex_firmware_v0.4.bin" in the ColinkEX debugger).

The driver version of ColinkEX is installed is 09/01/2011.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much!

Julian Miglio


Hey julianmiglio,

Does the combination work when you use just the programmer software (CoFlash)? I tested it here and it works for me. I use CoFlash 1.4.4.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex