Issues with XFCE4 login in Debian

Started by Corto, March 04, 2014, 03:58:46 PM

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Hi there,
I've just bought a Olinuxino A20 and built a bootable SD card with Debian following this guide ( all went ok and Debian starts very quickly, the only problem is that XFCE4 automatically log-in as root.
I created another user but I'm not able to switch off the auto-login as root and enable the classical login shell when is asked for which user wants to log... I'm sure this is a quite stupid question but I'm not expert with XFCE4 and I didn't find information on internet about this problem. :-\


solved removing last line in inittab which automatically login root user.
I also removed startxfce4 from .bashrc in root home folder, I don't know why this set has been put there.. :S