RTC-Clock on PIC32-PINGUINO-OTG -board

Started by Just_a_hobbyist, November 24, 2012, 10:19:19 PM

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Dear Olimex team,

I am recently on the way to decide me for a platform. So please forgive me if my question is silly for you.
In your board description I can read "..Allows RTC - Real Time Clock. ..". Does this mean that the RTC if full implemented an working in principle on the PIC32?
I can not see the 32,768 kHz oszillator mounted.
If not, which other parts will I need beside the crystall to get the RTC working?

Thank you for your answer.



Hey JaH,

There is RTC crystal mounted. It is called Q2 at pins 47 and 48.

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex