screen bezel: how did you manage to find them?

Started by sztruks, May 05, 2014, 11:59:55 PM

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As an add-on to my before-buying topic, I have questions regarding the screen. What I need is something I could bring into a library or archives. I realized olimex screens might get into troubles without any good bezel, since the screen will travel.
How did you manage to get some good bezels? The only topic I could find on this forum was dealing with 3D printing which is far beyond my capacities. Searching the web I could find plenty of laptops bezels, I do not know if any bezel of the same size would fit (I suppose so but do not know).

Is a lightweight hdmi monitor a better solution?


You could make your own metal front panel. I've done loads of them for various LCD sizes.

I use and there is a link on their website to the USA site.

Not exactly cheap cheap but lower cost that getting something printed.

Create a cutout in the rear for the LCD and install the M3 studs so that you can clamp the LCD into place.