Max current for 5V (from SATA or other pin)

Started by puhuri, May 08, 2014, 12:00:38 PM

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I may have missed the right part from data sheet, but what is maximum current one can drive from 5V A20-OLinuXino-MICRO-4GB?

In USB ports it is listed max. 523 mA, but like for SATA power (that would be nice, as it has fet ready to use on/off I could not find the information. I would be running it most time from 12V battery with LiPo for backup.


If I checked correctly, voltage converter is MP1482DS that provides maximum 2 A. If the board draws itself 350 mA, there is more than 1.5 A available total over all USB ports and SATA port. The FET4 IRLML6402 should not limit this further.