Few questions from a noob

Started by Akarix, July 12, 2014, 11:30:17 AM

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Hi everyone.
I'm new to this forum and very interested in OLinuXino.
The only downside is that it is "comes with Android."
But I have no desire to possess Android.
So I was wondering if it was possible to have a "OLinuXino version", but with Debian instead.
Otherwise, we might permanently delete Android (and not leave any trace), and replace it by Debian? How?

Sorry for my bad english   ::)

Best regards, Akarix


Thank you for the reply!
Few question:
1: Is it possible to introduce a OLinuXino in a computer chassis, and connect it to several other components, like the Novena project.
2: What are the buttons with features Android (about OLinuXino A20 Lime) if you have Debian?
3: Does the Olinuxino comes with a power supply ?


Ad 1) See https://www.olimex.com/Products/OLinuXino/A20/A20-ENC/ or make your own case.

Ad 2) See the file (kernel source)/drivers/input/keyboard/sun4i-keyboard.c, the default keys are KEY_VOLUMEUP, KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, KEY_MENU, KEY_SEARCH, KEY_HOME, KEY_ESC, and KEY_ENTER, but you can modify it, if you want (and build your own kernel), the key symbols are in the file (kernel source)/include/linux/input.h.

Ad 3) No, but you can use any 6-18V 1A+ DC power source with 2.5mm DC barrel connector.


Ok thanks !
But, GUI for OLinuXino ?
Is Kali-Linux runs on it?
I need a special image, or "armhf" enough?