Underclock A13SOM / Reduce Heat

Started by alwar, August 25, 2014, 11:08:07 PM

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I have tried A13SOM with the wifi expansion board (without nand), an i have noticed that in idle it heats a lot of. Both A13 chip and Wifi module gets very hot, and the connection over wifi to ssh is very unresponsive/lagged.

I have tested the cpu voltages and all are okay, but in the mini-usb i have only 4.85v. may be its a problem from the usb psu? Should i put fan or heatsink?


Olimex offers aluminum heatsinks for the A10/A20 cpu's that work very well.


With the expansion board i can't put a common Heatsink. I should make a custom one.


Set kernel configuration (.config file) CONFIG_CPU_FREQ=y and CONFIG_CPU_IDLE=y, recompile the kernel and install it to the SD card.

Show some infos (including valid clocks): /usr/bin/cpufreq-info
Set CPU clock down to e.g. 264Mhz: /usr/bin/cpufreq-set -f 264Mhz