Debian A20 rootfs in RAM using aufs

Started by edualfaia, December 13, 2014, 05:38:17 PM

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Hi Guys,

I'm using a Debian on A20 board which reside in NAND, I would like using the rootfs in RAM leaving the NAND rootfs in read-only mode. I have found a bunch of documents about this but they all use changes in grub. In my system there isn't grub. Could anyone help me?

Thanks guys


GRUB is just a loader, all you may need is to load the kernel image, the initramdisk and maybe pass additional parameters to the kernel. The Sunxi's modified U-boot bootloader can do this all without problems, buit if you want no bootloader modifications, you can build-in the initramfs image (a CPIO archive) directly into the kernel itself and set the default parameters in the kernel config (you will neeed the custom coplilation anyway).