A13-SOM: Adding additional UART via I2C UART Bridge IC?

Started by bruceuk, November 12, 2014, 02:58:05 PM

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Has anybody attempted something similar? The A13-SOM is unfortunately limited to a single UART3, hoping somebody else has tried extending via an I2C-UART Bridge IC?

I can't find any Linux kernel drivers for such an IC so I assume the design is overly complicated?

Examples of I2C-UART:



I guess nobody else needs more UARTS :(

I found this:

Sadly I can't find any "break out" board in order to test the kernel driver. I believe the mainline kernel does support it so.....maybe have to take a chance and add it to my board and hope it works.


A13 looks to have more uarts than others need so yes you're probably the only one.



John, little confused by your comment:

"..A13 looks to have more uarts..."
You mention uarts (plural) ...but I can only see one?

The A13 processor as 3 uarts (uart0, uart1 & uart3)

uart0 share pins with sdco and is therefore used by the sdcard
uart1 is used for the console/debug port
uart3 is available ...provided you don't need spi1

So the A13-SOM has a single uart available

What have a missed? ... I'm new to board level electronics so please feel free to critique the above thinking.



It's got multiple uarts so I just said what's true.  Many/most people aren't already using them as you in effect say you are.  I suspect most people have no use at all for uarts nowadays let alone for more than one.

If you need even more then add them.  There are USB, etc boards that are very cheap.



ok...got it, thanks for explaining ...wanted to be sure I understood so had to ask.