boot on micro SD, system on SSD

Started by gurumelo, November 25, 2014, 11:36:22 PM

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I would like more speed in debian in A20 micro.
How do you think that, only necessary files for boot were in microSD and all things in partition in SSD hd?
only /boot in microSD is possible?



Yes, that's posibble, but you need either a kernel with built-in all required device drivers (e.g. SCSI block device and SATA driver), a root filesystem driver(s) and the correctly set rootft (e.g. root=/dev/sda1), or a initramdisk/ininitramfs which will load them and remouts rootfs to the new filesystem. The former is IMHO much simpler that the latter (unless you use utility for generating it automagicaly), all you need is to recomplie the kernel and turn some option from module to built-in.

BTW, on my desktop, I have the SYSLINUX bootloader and a custom-built kernel (without any initramdisk/inintramfs) on a separate small SSD drive, but the rootfs (as the rest) is on a normal harddisk.