Bill of Material of Olinuxino

Started by felipegn, August 26, 2014, 12:38:56 AM

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I'm looking for the bill of material of A20-OlinuXino-MICRO because I need to know the size of:
- Ethernet connector
- USB connector
- Power jack connector
- HDMI connector

For Ethernet connector I can read its part number so I can search its datasheet, but for the others I can't find it. Is the BOM of Olinuxino available for download?

Thank you for your answer.

Felipe Nogueira


Hey there,

I know this is an old thread but just stumbled upon it, someone might need this information also.

You can generate BOMs from the Eagle files available for the board. You would need to download and install Eagle by CADSoft USA - they have evaluation version. You would need to download the schematic and board files for the board available at the GitHub repository of OLIMEX. The files you need have extensions .sch and .brd.

When you open the schematic in Eagle write in the command line:

run bom.ulp

At this point a pop-up would show the bill of materials. You can also choose how to save the list - either like a text file, a cvs file or HTML.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex