External clock

Started by alexparser, April 14, 2015, 11:28:42 PM

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Hi all!
I can use external clock for A20 PCM audio as on Raspberry Pi (https://hifiduino.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/raspberry-pi-b-digital-audio/)?



I think you want to solve a non existing problem, the A20 does not have the same chip or clock.



Quote from: alexparser on April 14, 2015, 11:28:42 PM
I can use external clock for A20 PCM audio as on Raspberry Pi (https://hifiduino.wordpress.com/2014/11/13/raspberry-pi-b-digital-audio/)?

From what I could gather from the A20 User Manual, the clock is always generated internally. But you can choose from a wide range of clock divisors.


Thanks for your answer's,
but your think what the A20 don't have  a external clock?


Quote from: alexparser on April 16, 2015, 01:38:03 AM
Thanks for your answer's,
but your think what the A20 don't have  a external clock?

If you configure the A20 Digital Audio Interface in slave mode, then the I2S_SCLK/PCM_CLK and I2S_LRC/PCM_SYNC lines become inputs and should be connected to some other I2S or PCM interface that acts as a master. When the A20 interface is acting as a master, the master clock signal comes from an on-chip PLL that generates a fixed frequency (24.567 MHz or 22.528 MHz.)

It's not clear what you are trying to achieve and what your problem is. The frequency problems mentioned in the Raspberry Pi article you linked to do not apply to the A20.