Android Image Problem

Started by Pielo, May 30, 2015, 05:45:40 PM

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my englisch is not the best, but i hope you understand me.

I've tried a few images, but none will work correctly on a VGA screen. I downloaded from the Olimex Wiki page.

I've tested

"a13_android_sd_800x480_first_release.img" --> Boot is OK but the screen is displaced
"a13_android_sd_800x480_second_release.img" --> Boot OK Screen ok but the sound don't work
"A13_android_NAND_VGA_800x600_EN_second_release.img" --> Bootlogo than black screen


"A13_SOM_android_4.22_NAND_release_1.img" --> Bootloop

I'm used Windows7 and "PhoenixSuit 1.10" or "Win32 Disk Imager"

Please can someone give me a few tips, so I could get it?

Sorry for the bad englisch...
