AM3352 JTAG emulator

Started by happycorsair, November 15, 2015, 01:31:17 AM

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Hello, guys!
I'd like to ask 2 stupid questions (I'm newbie in bare metal development, so please don't blame too much).

1) Accidentally I found ARM-USB-OCD-H debugger. Is it compatible with my AM3352 EVM?
2) If no, which low-costing JTAG debugger, compatible with openocd(!!!), can I buy and use?

Thanks in advance!



QuoteIf the EVM has JTAG.
Hi, John.
Thanks for your answer!
I'm talking about official Olimex AM3352-SOM-EVB, so it certainly has 20-pin JTAG. Do you know, if they are 100% compatible?


No, but JTAG is JTAG.

The AM is not a chip I've any interest in.  I hope it has excellent doc from its maker or you may struggle.



Thank you once again.
If someone is interested in, I've tested TMS320-XDS100-V2 (by Olimex) and it seems to work with OpenOCD 0.9 (built by myself with --enable-legacy-ft2232_libftdi)



Well, AM3352 is to run Linux in principle. But, yes, you can run bare metal too, I guess. Anyway, running Linux you can use gdb or  gdb-arm-linux-gnu, it is very powerful!  ;)


Hi :)
I can't agree with you about your first statement. There are not so many cheap Cortex A development boards with ready-to-use JTAG-interface. So, I would say, IT IS FOR BARE METAL. Even more, AM335X has perfect documentation, what makes bare metal development very cool.

Ah, gdb rocks(!!!), you are completely right.



Answering your question, I think is compatible, but i'm not sure. AM3352-SOM has JTAG pins/signals: nTRST, TCK, TMS, TDI and TDO. ARM-USB-OCD-H debugger has these pins too:
In another hand, openocd has not a specific file to AM3352-SOM, but maybe ti_beaglebone.cfg works.