Problem installed Android image on Olinuxino-Micro A20 4G Rev.G and Rev .E

Started by lalito, June 08, 2017, 11:20:06 PM

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I just bought a board olinuxino-micro A20 rev .G 4G flash in but no longer come with android installed. Consult the seller and send me to the wiki pages to download and install the andriod in the flash or SD. I have followed all the procedure described there to download and install the image with Phoenix Suit software. This software says that the image was correctly installed, I turned it off and turned on the board, but I do not have an image output by hdmi, nor do I have the USB ID as if I have it in an old olinuxino-A13 that I still own. Download the version of SD also followed the procedure of the wiki but neither seems to work discard the bad this board since it is new, and does not show symptoms of failure like excess heat in the cpu or complementary chips.

The downloaded image are:

A20_android_422_TS_USB_UART_I2C_WIFI_LAN_HDMI_LCD_1024x600_release_3.img and,


Someone can help me, I need to have this board running with android with HDMI output

Greetings and thanks.



Try the two modes that pop-up while trying to upgrade with PhoenixSuit (formatting and not formatting the memory). Also test with this image:

Also make sure that your display has native HDMI, using converters RGB <-> HDMI, DVI <-> HDMI, etc might not work.

Finally, consider testing with the Debian image, downloaded to a microSD card:

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you for your response. Probe with the image of linux jessie _34 and the startup sequence appears, but then the monitor deprives the message error resolution v50hz h37khz and is suppose to be switched to a resolution that the monitor does not handle but that would indicate that the board will be good.
I'm going to try the new image that you recommend.

Thank you.


If you have access to the command line interface (for example, with a USB-serial cable and a personal computer with serial terminal software) of the Debian you can change the resolution to another one. Execute the ./change_display script and follow the on-screen prompts (type "change_display" and press 'TAB' to autocomplete, then press "Enter"). Maybe some other resolution would behave better with your monitor. The screen resolutions supported by the script for HDMI are:

0. 480i
1. 576i
2. 480p
3. 576p
4. 720p50
5. 720p60
6. 1080i50
7. 1080i60
8. 1080p24
9. 1080p50
10. 1080p60
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


It is very complicated to keep it in the default resolution of (1280x1024) ?. Need to recompile?


Thank you problem solved! All I needed was a monitor with native hdmi