A20 Micro + LCD7TS purple lvds

Started by luca, March 16, 2016, 12:57:10 AM

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Hello to all,
after receiving the board to20 with LCD7TS and micro sd card with Debian, the TS does not work and LCD has one purple veil.
I tried to make from scratch the .img but has not changed the problem remains the same.

Have you suggestions?

thank you



I have experienced similar results if the ribbon cable is either:
- old and botched, or:
- not connected correctly.

Otherwise, check to see if your script.bin is configured correctly. To do so, change to the /boot directory and enter

bin2fex script.bin script.current.fex

In script.current.fex, look for the section [lcd0_para]. As a reference for the lcd0 parameters, see the .fex files contained in the .zip linked to on this page:


(Section "Changing A13-OLinuxino settings to VGA...")

Note: only look at the lcd0_para section, do not get distracted by other parameters in there since the script files contained in there are not for A20 boards.


thanks for the reply.
But the TS, the board and cable are new, I received two days ago.
It will try to analyze the script and bin file and regenerate these, hoping that the problem is this.

I'll let you know
Thank you