Does the A13 support Porteus (slackware based linux OS) ?

Started by miguipda, January 04, 2013, 12:18:47 PM

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I just discovered the Olimex board.

Please return your experience to know if the A13 board could run the Porteus ( slackware based linux OS.

Sincerely thanks and have a ncie day,

Miguipda ;-)



i don't think so. I can not see an arm port of this distri. Only x86 and x64.
Maybe you should ask the developers.

Kind Regards


It probably depends on what you mean by "run". If you felt comfortable compiling your own version from source, then yes, it would probably run. If you are talking about a pre-compiled image, then you'll probably need to look elsewhere.

Quote from: miguipda on January 04, 2013, 12:18:47 PM

I just discovered the Olimex board.

Please return your experience to know if the A13 board could run the Porteus ( slackware based linux OS.

Sincerely thanks and have a ncie day,

Miguipda ;-)