Started by bimodh, February 01, 2013, 12:45:02 PM

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I bought an Olimex MOD-ZIGBEE-UEXT and an OLINUXINO A13 Board. The A13 is loaded with the linux as given here.( I tried connecting the MOD-ZIGBEE_UEXT with the A13 board directly via UEXT but my A13 board was getting restarted.

So, now, i connected the MOD-ZIGBEE-UEXT to a MOD-USB-RS232 and from MOD-USB-RS232 to A13 via Mini USB. Now, the question is how can i access the same inside Linux? How can i access  the data transmitted over the Zigbee inside my Linux System?


Best bet is google for what you want on Linux.  Then convert any driver/software you find if it needs changes.



John, Thanks for the reply.

But i was checking for the same over the google. And i tried it with Screen, Minicom etc in Linux. Still, i am not getting any response from the device. So, wht to do? :(


Should it work the way you decided to connect it?  What makes you think it should and that Linux can support it that way?



I am a newbie to Linux, So i want to know how can i send the data from my OS, Linux, to the MOD-ZIGBEE-UEXT? For the same, i was googling the serial port access based on the assumption that once it is connected to the A13 board, it can be accessed as a normal serial port device, like terminal communication in Windows. Am i right on my assumption? And how can i gain the same?


My feeling is that if you connected things the way you have, but to a Windows PC, you would find Windows does not have drivers to do what you want.  I think it will be the same with Linux.

You could write one if you ave the skills.
