VGA output with latest image

Started by spin, November 27, 2020, 03:48:56 PM

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I have an old Olinuxino A40 Micro working with old image and 10" LCD. Now I will use it with a VGA monitor with 1024x768 or 1280x1024 resolution. I have VGA cable.

What I have to do for this using latest image


from Olimex?

olinuxino-display permit only a selection of LCD display, no VGA output.
HDMI output is working.


Franco Spinelli


I have to ask around if VGA is supported in newest images but meanwhile can you tell me:

1. What board exactly do you have? A20-OLinuXino-MICRO?

2. How is the VGA cable attached to the A20-OLinuXino-MICRO? Via A20-VGA-CABLE ?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


My board is a A20 Olinuxino with 4 Gb of Nand - Board revision in C

VGA is connected with Olimex adapter.

If I use Armbian image I get initial messages on VGA monitor and I can also interrupt U-boot. But messages on VGA vanish during boot and go to HDMI monitor.


Franco Spinelli


It seems VGA output is not supported in the mainline images at the moment. The team had been notified and is working on it.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


I will wait on this topic

Many thanks

Franco Spinelli


I'm new at Olimex.
We are studying the possibility of using Your A20-SOM to produce a new scale.
Does the VGA work at the same time of HDMI?

Best Regards


It should be possible. We haven't tested it but there are no hardware issues or multiplexing between HDMI and VGA and it appears to be possible. The main effort would be the software effort.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


We are trying A20-SOM with A20-SOM-EVB and Linux
It works with HDMI but do not work with VGA.
The Linux Distribuition does not have the command to change displays.

Is it a problem of the Linux version, or did you change the commands to control the configuration of the displays?

Best Regards,
Manuel Dias


The Olimage releases with new kernel have no VGA support yet. For VGA output try the newest release (release 11) with the older kernel sunxi images:

Once you boot, execute the change_display script, there is VGA option and different screen resolutions. Reboot and it should work.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you.
It works with VGA or HDMI but not with both VGA and HDMI.
Is it possible to work with this board on dual screens?

Best Regards,


It should be possible to have VGA and HDMI since they use different signals. HDMI is always possible and VGA/LCD are shared (this means you can't have VGA and LCD).

The thing is that if it is not the same framebuffer (aka same resolution, refresh rate and same picture) - then this can be very taxing on the hardware. On the opposite side - if it is same framebuffer, then one or both of the screens has to use non-native resoltion.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex