wifi on debian image

Started by sarge_ypsylon, March 19, 2013, 12:16:58 AM

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Hi again. I managed to mount the olimex image on an SD card an run it, but i am unable to install the wifi driver.I folowed a lot of guides for the process but none worked for me. In particular i can't find the linux folder under /usr/src for the (make ARCH=arm menuconfig) comand.


What exactly do you mean you can't install the wifi driver? I'm not entirely sure about the stock image, but my guess would be that it is built into the kernel. Have you tried running ifconfig -a to see if wlan0 appears?


Ifconfig -a gives wlan6, i suppose it's not a problem. I'm not sure if install is the right term.
I tried iwlist wlan6 scan and result is "No scan results".I don't know if its just a matter of switching on the module. So far no google result was helpful.


I tryed a wlan usb adapter that i have and it recognizes it as wlan7 so i know that wlan6 in my case is the a13s wifi module. I also tryed scanning with both and wlan6 results "No scan results" while wlan7 results "interface doesn't support scanning : network is down". for both ifup wlanX results "ignoring unknown interface" while ifdown wlanX results "interface wlanX not configured".