Java/ Mono UI program to run on Olinuxino A13

Started by MMp131316, April 26, 2013, 01:55:14 PM

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Hello Everybody :),
I have a question, I want to build an application with user interface in either java or C#(using mono - for those that do not know mono is c# version for linux) is there a way to built the application on a regular computer and then export the binary onto olinuxino and run it there?
and how to install the java/c# runtime on the olinuxino board??

Thanks for your time! Regards ;)


java -version
will let you know if open JDK is installed.
however if your going to provide a Java app other than an applet, you will also need Tomcat server.
if your going to go to all that trouble, suggest you develop in android, ADT  or Eclipse.
Fulltimer since 89


Quote from: MMp131316 on April 26, 2013, 01:55:14 PM
is there a way to built the application on a regular computer and then export the binary onto olinuxino and run it there?

yes. java and mono are meant to be multi-platform.

Quote from: MMp131316 on April 26, 2013, 01:55:14 PM
and how to install the java/c# runtime on the olinuxino board??

Thanks for your time! Regards ;)

depends on the OS you choose to use


Well the OS i choosed is : A13 Advanced Debian 4GB card image with XFCE4, GCC, GPIO, WIFI, WTHERNET, UVC, Python, OpenCV;
Is it possible do develop an application let's say in mono on a laptop and to install it on the board afterwards??
And yes there is no java installed on the os.
I would like to stick to java / c# / python when building an application :)


Its super easy with that setup.  On the A13 board, just run "sudo apt-get install mono".  Then you can just make a folder for your application (say its called foo).  On the board you can run is using "mono foo.exe".  You can then do all of the development on Windows and just copy the compiled foo.exe and any depdent dll's to the board (WinSCP is good for copying and easy to script).


Quote from: demptis82 on June 04, 2013, 11:33:12 PM
Its super easy with that setup.  On the A13 board, just run "sudo apt-get install mono".  Then you can just make a folder for your application (say its called foo).  On the board you can run is using "mono foo.exe".  You can then do all of the development on Windows and just copy the compiled foo.exe and any depdent dll's to the board (WinSCP is good for copying and easy to script).
Thank you for the reply! Can I also run application with UI in this way?(if i build a form application)


Well.. i have tried to install monodevelop however i get some dependency problems and also some packages are not installable......
i have also tried with apt-get mono and i receive the error that it cannot locate the package - if i have wifi doesn't it take the package from the internet with just apt get??


Not as I read the man page.  You look to need a command.



Sorry, its apt-get install mono-complete OR apt-get install mono-runtime if you just want to be able to run programs on linux but keep developing on windows.