AVR-ISP500-ISO - usb mass storage as advertised

Started by alienpcs, June 10, 2013, 04:22:21 PM

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Hello!  I purchased 2 AVR-ISP500-ISO programmers in anticipation of using the USB mass storage mode as advertised here:


"AVR-ISP500-ISO is professional, fast and reliable USB AVR programmer. It have two modes of work: STK500 compatible USB programmer and USB Mass storage. In STK500 mode it working directly with AVR Studio. It "

Been trying to load mass storage firmware and it won't load...

Thanks for the help!


Hello alienpcs,

Unfortunately, the Mass Storage feature (as advertised) is not present in the ISO version of the AVR-ISP500. AVR-ISP500-ISO has a command-logging state. This is a mistake of Olimex and the web page. This mistake isn't present in the datasheet, though.

The only ISP500 product Olimex sells and has a specific Mass Storage firmware is AVR-ISP500-TINY: https://www.olimex.com/Products/AVR/Programmers/AVR-ISP500-TINY/. Refer to this document on how the Mass Storage might be used: https://www.olimex.com/Products/AVR/Programmers/AVR-ISP500-TINY/resources/AVR-ISP500-TINY.pdf. It requires a firmware update with specific image and a number of files.

We recognize the mistake and it is now fixed. If you specifically wish replacement with AVR-ISP500-TINY or refund on the AVR-ISP500-ISO please write an e-mail to support@olimex.com and quote this forum thread.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex