Started by junetec, July 08, 2013, 12:14:07 PM

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I find that the A13 in android take several seconds to show something in the LCD.

There's a way to create a splash screen or something similar to let to know to the user that the system it's working?

I know the way to change bootanimation, but I don't want because bootanimation appears after several seconds.
I need something faster.



I try to


Actually, black screen before ANDROID logo is because of misprint in device's script.bin. You must set lcd_pwm_pol value in [lcd0_para] section to 1. For that operation you will need fexc binary from sunxi-tools and adb shell.

Before proceeding set brightness to 50% or you will get completely black screen after modifications.

Use following commands to get and decode script.bin from your board:

adb shell mkdir /boot
adb shell mount -t vfat /dev/block/nanda /boot
adb pull /boot/script.bin
fexc -I bin -O fex script.bin script.fex

after modifications in fex file just compile and push it back into board:

fexc -I fex -O bin script.fex script-new.bin
adb push script-new.bin /boot/script.bin
adb shell umount /boot
adb shell sync

You will see boot images before actual android booting. Image files are placed in /dev/block/nanda filesystem, you can mount and change it same way.

If you're getting black screen instead of ANDROID logo, use this commands in ADB shell:

sqlite3 /data/data/
sqlite> update system set value=255 where name="screen_brightness";
sqlite> update system set value=0 where name="smart_brightness_enable";
sqlite> update system set value=0 where name="screen_brightness_mode";
sqlite> .exit

After rebooting brightness will be at maximum level.


It worked great! Thanks a lot!
The battery and some other images will be in /boot/os_show after mount,
and the android blue logo is in /boot/linux/linux.bmp
the animation and the green android splash are brobably build in the image somewhere I dont seem to find them in the /nanda