AVR MkII firmware upgrade troubles?

Started by asarangan, August 19, 2013, 07:40:03 AM

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I just bought this programmer from Mouser electronics. In Atmel Studio it seems to recognize the tool, but it shows "firmware on the tool is 1.11 and the firmware on disk is 1.17". It also gives an option to upgrade, but it fails with "AVRISP MkII firmware upgrade failed. Toggle power on tool and retry upgrade".

In the manual I read about using Atmel Flip. I installed that software, pushed the button inside the hole, and invoked Flip. I selected "AT90USB162" and "USB" for communications, but it pops up three separate error messages: "missing libusb0.dll", "missing AtLibUsbDfu.dll" and "could not load dynamic library".

This is on Windows 8.

Please help. This is a brand new device straight out of the box. Thank you.


Hello asarangan,

The firmware has been updated and you should no longer receive such errors. Please update the firmware of the device with the latest one available for direct download at this link: https://www.olimex.com/Products/AVR/Programmers/AVR-ISP-MK2/resources/AVR456-studio-AVRISP-MKII.zip. You might find instructions in the manual and on the web-page of AVR-ISP-MK2.

Remember that after you press the button on the AVR-ISP-MK2 and before using Atmel Flip you need to install Flip drivers. Those might be found in the Atmel Flip installation folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Flip x.x.x\usb). When unrecognized device shows up in "Windows Device Manager" point it to that folder.

For Windows 8 remember that it is a good idea to test with "Driver Signature Enforcement" disabled. Some unsigned drivers (like the Flip ones) might get blocked by this "feature" that is turned on by default. A good guide on how to do it might be found here: http://www.craftedge.com/tutorials/driver_install_windows8/driver_install_win8.html.

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex