Unofficial Ubuntu 13 04 image with 3d Mali drivers

Started by isidoro, October 15, 2013, 12:00:04 PM

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I was able to copy this Ubuntu image on my microSd card and start it.
Green led don't go on but image boot and I can SSH to it and login as jm/jm

No possibility to do any sudo command:

sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?

and password of root is unknown

How can I reset/modify root passwd and use this image?

Franco Spinelli


Maybe you can mount the filesystem on another computer and set root's password directly on the /etc/shadow file?

Or use chroot?



In downloaded version there is an audio problem. No audio at all.

Now, after updating to 13.10 version, I have correct audio for output but no audio input device.
This happen with built-in sound card and also with an external USB sound card.

Any tip for this?


Franco Spinelli


Hi Franco,
can you exactly describe what kind of command you typed to update?
maybe apt-get dist-upgrade ?

For audio settings I think may be usefull to upgrade kernel to the last one,
but maybe also an alsamixer stuff. I have got any mic to plug in


Yes. apt-get dist-upgrade and now I am in 1310 version.

For audio setting Ubuntu is using Pulse.
Opening pavucontrol in setting tab you get only option for output (working) and no input device.
Same using alsamixer.

Same hardware is working using last Debian image from Olimex.

How can I upgrade to last kernel image?

Franco Spinelli


I replay to myself.

Downloaded last kernel (3.4.67), compiled and installed on microSD.
Update packages to last version from Ubuntu 13.10

Still no audio input device:

arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****

arecord -L
    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    PulseAudio Sound Server

With Debian "official" image all in working, also after upgrading to instable/testing repo.

An external USB soundcard is correctly used:

arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 1: LT3 [Muse Pocket LT3], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

It is a problem with script.bin.

Substituting original script.bin with script.bin downloaded as in instruction for "ultimate Debian SD card" all is now OK

arecord -l
**** List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sunxicodec [sunxi-CODEC], device 0: M1 PCM [sunxi PCM]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0


Franco Spinelli



Do we need to load some kernel module to access the GPIO's with this distro?

I tried to export the GPIO's but I get:

root@a20:~# echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/export
-su: echo: write error: Invalid argument



A bit late, as there hasn't been any activity on this thread for a month now, but I have to ask this.
I'm trying to get this image as it seems that it has libc 2.17 - I need a rootfs which has libc >= 2.15, so I think it should fit. Debian is limited to 2.13, which is not suitable for me.

However, the download from google drive always breaks somewhere close to the end and google drive does not support resume. Is there any other link for this, as I think it has nothing to do with my internet connection (downloading from my company)?


if you are having problems with dd, you can always mount loopback and copy the files onto a pre formatted second partition (the first should be the vfat boot partition)

fdisk -l nameofimage.img

will tell you the start of the partition multiply this by the sector size to get the offset

you can then

mount -o loop,offset=xxx nameofimage.img anemptyfolder

where xxx is your calculated offset

you can then copy (cp -rfv /anemptyfolder/* /media/username/SDp2/ ) the files onto your pre formatted second sd partition

anyhow its how I did it with a different image onto a craptastic 4GB card that was actually 4x1000mb

in fact I don't know why people don't just make a tatball containing 2* tars... one for each partition....


Google download still breaks somewhere at the end (tried several places so far). Could anyone re-upload?


It boots fine on my a20, I see the login screen etc.
however hardware acceleration doesn't seem to be working.

Can you give a step by step list of instructions on how to test that acceleration is working?



Quote from: skaag on April 03, 2014, 03:16:52 AM

It boots fine on my a20, I see the login screen etc.
however hardware acceleration doesn't seem to be working.

Can you give a step by step list of instructions on how to test that acceleration is working?


May I ask how did you manage to download it - my download always breaks somewhere close to the end - do you have another link by any chance?



I'm having the same problem as ikozic. The download from googledocs breaks, Can anyone please, reupload or use a torrent? I'm very interested in trying this image.

Best regards,



I just downloaded the file from my working desktop (@office) without any issues, maybe your connection has some  timeout. When home I will try to create a torrent file, never did it, I hope to learn (with mtorrent)

