LCD7 problems

Started by ozko, November 12, 2013, 02:09:27 PM

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well here is what happened to an LCD7 for a13
I tried the lcd on different A13 boards and the result is the same...
In the beginning it worked fine
here are the images
first one is from a screenshot, the other ones are acual display on the LCD :/
I tried with diferent LCD7 MOD and it worked well which means there is a problem with the MOD board.
Anyone experianced such behaviour?


Hey ozko,

Did the display behaved that way since initial use or it started to behave like after a while?

Can you try re-plugging the ICD40 cable between the display and the A13 board? If you use touchscreen can you please carefully unplug the cable that connects the LCD and the touchscreen component and see if the problem persists?

It is a good idea to test if the problem persists with the official Android image for 7'' display released by Olimex. It is available here:

Sometimes such behavior might appear if your power supply is not sufficient. These displays draw a lot of current usually doubling the consumption (compared to only the board). Make sure that your power adapter is capable to provide at least 500mA of current.

Of course, if you test with another Olimex-made 7 inch display, and it works fine with the same board, then there is a good chance of hardware fault.

If there is no improvement following the above recommendations please send a request for RMA here: It is highly recommended to check the warranty conditions:

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


The LCD-MOD is tested with two other olinuxino boards and even with another LCD and it`s the same. The LCD with the bad MOD is working well with another LCD MOD.
The voltages on the control points are as follows:
(using 12V 0.5A)

       from the bad MOD       from working MOD
-6.8  -6.96                  -6.79
3.3    3.313                  3.313
3.8    3.669                  3.702
5      4.787                  4.810
10.4  10.27                  10.36
16    15.93                  16.11

Also the LCD worked fine in the beggining for about a few hours and
when I switch it on the other day it was like this.