SMS Receive stops working after the first message received

Started by dave-at-axon, March 04, 2014, 08:47:22 AM

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I have managed to enable SMS on Android with the Softwinner RIL by editing the binary file and changing the CNMI entry to 1,2,0,0,0 and it receives the first SMS but nothing for the second or subsequent SMS.

The CNMI setting enables unsolicited SMS sending and the Softwinner RIL appears to handle this as I can see this in the logcat output.

Sending is OK.

I've connected the modem to a Linux machine and set the same CNMI setting and it shows up every SMS I send to it so it works hardware wise.

I can't see any AT commands being sent to the modem after it receives the SMS so the CNMI setting should still be working.

Anyone else with Android or Linux have SMS working?


A little digging and it appears to be an SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE issue. There is an error when the driver sends a AT+CNMA=1 command to ack the received message. This somehow puts the receive in a stalled state. It also freezes up the SMS send. As long as there is no reception, the send keeps working.