Problem with the drivers in the SDcard A13-olinuxino-SD

Started by Thomas, November 08, 2012, 04:24:57 PM

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I'm using A13-Olinuxino-WiFi with your Debian image in A13-olinuxino-SD.

When I'm typing as root "lsmod", I do not see sun4i_gpio (=gpio driver).
In addition, the directory /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i_gpio does not exist.

As it is said in the Olimex wordpress, these drivers are supposed to be in this SDcard. (

Any suggestion ?
Thank you.

Here is my lsmod output :

root@debian:~# lsmod
Module Size Used by
bfcon 35991 70
bitblit 4187 1 fbcon
softcursor 1123 1 bitblit
font 7767 1 fbcon
8192cu 511517 0


Fisrt, you need compile it. Preferably as a module. In source code directory type:
# make ARCH=arm menuconfig
Choice: Device Drivers -> (*)Misc Devices -> <M> An ugly sun4i gpio driver
So, Exit, Exit, Exit, yes to save.

After, anywhere type:
# modprobe sun4i-gpio
Thereafter, the file device will be created. But your script.bin need to be configured to work.
My script.bin/script.fex:

David Goadby

I too am using A13-Olinuxino-WiFi with the Debian SD purchased from Olimex. If I type lsmod then I do have sun4i_gpio. In fact my lsmod output has a lot more entries than yours including usbnet and asix (for Ethernet). 

I also checked the folder /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i_gpio and that exists too.

As you might expect the GPIO commands work as per the recent blog entry too.

Since I have the latest SD card from Olimex (arrived here on October 25th) then I have to assume that your SD card is either corrupt or not the correct one for the A13.


@viniciusfre Thank you, I'm going to try it now.
@David Goadby I purchased mine on october 17th... I must be unlucky. Could you write your full lsmod output please ? Thanks.
@Olimex moderator, can you tell me more about those missing drivers on your SD card ? Thank you.



I'm able to launch sun4i_gpio now, it appears in lsmod.
Vinciusfre (or anyone), could you tell me where I must put the script.fex file and how to use it ?

Thanks !


Now I can see the files (modprobe sun4i-gpio worked) in /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i_gpio

This shell command to light up the green LED works well :
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/sun4i-gpio/pin/pg9

However, as I expected, I miss the mapping in the script.fex file, that's why nothing happens in running the following C code :

    #include "gpio-mmap.h"

    int main() {
    gpio_output(2,1); //bank 2 bit 1 = GPIO65 the LED on board
    while (1) {

Please help me I need this script.fex mapping :(

PS : The command and the C code were found here :


If there is pg9 into .../sun4i-gpio/ then your script.bin/script.fex is ok.

I guess the problem lies in the functions you are using. Try this:


Hi vinciusfre,
Thank you for your help.
Any of your functions result in "segmentation fault".
I tried :


with number from 1 to 100, but "segmentation fault" occurs all the time.
Is it the right usage ?



Well, I have not yet tested.  ;D

Try this:
#include "gpio.h"

int main()
   gpio_set_value(SUNXI_GPG(9), 1); // set pg9

   return 0;

Do not forget to include into gpio.h:
int gpio_get_value(unsigned gpio);
int gpio_set_value(unsigned gpio, int value);


segmentation fault.


Thank you anyway for persevering. Because other people apparently do not have this problem, maybe the easier solution is just to buy another SD card ?

Anyway, your code works for your A13 ?



Sorry for the delay. Here is the answer:

<vinifm> hno: first i load sun4i-gpio...
<vinifm> complete code:
<hno> That code is for running bare-bone within u-boot. You need some small changes to use it in linux.
<hno> gpio driver is not needed. But you need to mmap the PIO registers and bang on them..


Thank you, anyway...

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Please could you upload it again ? :)


Here:, but the result is the same:
Segment Fault

As hno said, we must adapt to linux.  ;D

There a driver newer:

But, I still have not tested.