how to change to the init.sun7i.rc persistently

Started by egrojoz, July 16, 2014, 08:47:26 PM

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I want to change the init.sun7i.rc file of an A20 android. But after I change it and reboot the system, the original init.sun7i.rc comes back.



We saw this earlier with the Android build where making changes to the files seemed to be overwritten during reboot. It would seem that somehow the versions you edit are in RAM and the ROM versions don't get touched.

We ended up building our own Android version and this way you have complete control over the system configuration.

Are you able to build Android yourself? You need Linux to do this but it builds fine under Ubuntu 12.04 in a virtual machine if you simply follow the instructions from Google and what's on my blog. You can get source from there too.