Random shutdown

Started by otyugh, August 10, 2014, 01:35:30 AM

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on A20-micro using the latest debian image, I get random shutdown. It happens randomly : the image freezes 2-3 seconds, then shut, and reboot.
It does shutdown mostly when I'm not on it, so, when not particularly under load.

I suspect the power supply to not be enought.
I uses the following pluged on the board :

>power supply : https://www.olimex.com/Products/Power/SY0612E/
>HDD : https://www.olimex.com/Products/Components/Storage/SATA-HDD-2.5-500GB/
>Ethernet cable
>LIPO battery
>USB extension (that have his own power supply) : on it keyboard, mouse.

Someone told me that the HDD uses maybe 5W, and the power supply can deliver only 6W : so maybe it was that.
What do you think ?
Should I plug another power supply ? (what would be the best ?)

Thanks for any idea or tip :)


This sounds more like it's not coming back from sleep, which seems to be a common issue. Are you absolutely sure it's powering down? Are there any signs it's still running (ethernet activity, caps lock on keyboard still works)?


Quote from: Insomniac10102 on August 10, 2014, 02:28:06 AM
This sounds more like it's not coming back from sleep, which seems to be a common issue. Are you absolutely sure it's powering down? Are there any signs it's still running (ethernet activity, caps lock on keyboard still works)?
This behaviour should have been disabled, because I added "xset -dpms" in my .xinitrc

Also it's really a shutdown : I can tell because it starts over on a "tty", while I let it in a X environement most of the time. So unless X crashed and gave my away a blank tty, after loging me out, and quiting every single apps... It's a shuting down. :s

I must also add that "time to time" (1 much or less per day) my screen flicker (black to normal).


But "xset -dpms" is only preventing the monitor from going into sleep, isn't it? The issue I was referring to is a result of the machine itself refusing to wake up from sleep - it's something both of my A20 boards suffer from.


Nope, after this command, the machine never "sleep" again. My problem is real shutdown, not just randome hibernation. I fixed this with that command, precisely. ;)