Lime2 specs details questions

Started by eldon, November 28, 2014, 12:02:01 PM

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sorry if it's been specified before but i couldn't easily find clear answers searching the forum.

1 - I'd like to know what are the specifications of the sata port, data rate, smart support.
i've seen some data rate tests, but none from ssd drives.

2 - i would also like to know if the Gigabit ethernet suffers some kind of io bottleneck as i've seen on other arm boards having Gigabit support but limited to around 500Mbps due to hardware limitations.

3 - As i intend to use it on a fast network link, with vpn encryption, i expect to max out that weak dual core arm.
Does the A20 has some stable overclocking capabilities ? And does the firmware allows it ?
4 - finally i haven't search for that and it's most certainly been discussed, but is there some battery voltage monitoring or do we have to handle that through gpios ?

thanks for your input.


Judging by memory tests etc you will have to UNDER clock if anything.  Most if not all boards are not reliable at their advertised clock speeds.

They're very cheap, so good value for money, but there are compromises.

I don't think AW provide the info you want but take it with a sack of salt if anyone claims to do so.



Quote from: eldon on November 28, 2014, 12:02:01 PM

4 - finally i haven't search for that and it's most certainly been discussed, but is there some battery voltage monitoring or do we have to handle that through gpios ?

For info on battery voltage you need to dig into AXP209 power management unit' register.