Strange powered USB hub issue

Started by OniNiubbo, December 18, 2014, 12:53:19 PM

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Hi all. I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, but I have a strange issue with a powered usb hub.

My setup is like this: I connect a LIME2 board and 2 USB disks to a powered usb hub and everything works fine and is well powered.

But when I connect the hub to the LIME2 (so that it can see the disks) the hub cuts the power to all connected devices for 2-3 seconds. The same happens when the hub is unplugged and when I try to connect the hub to a regular desktop pc. A sort of hard reset.

It's not an issue for the disks, but it is for the board of course since it has a 2-3 seconds gap of power. The LIME2 reboots to the point that it probes the hub and another power gap happens.

Is it normal for powered USB hubs?

The temporary solution is to power the LIME2 through the power jack and, when the hub is plugged and the system is up and running, I can unlink the board from the power outlet and finally let the whole setup be powered by the usb hub.

Since I'd like to have a clean "solution" with the minimum number of cables hanging  around, is it possible to use a backup battery? The LIPO rechargable batteries in the shop look a bit overkill for the power gap that happen upon (very rare) reboots. Does it exist a simple battery setup I can use?

Ninja edit: link to the USB hub


How do you connect the hub to the A20 you can't power the lime2 trough the HOST ports


I connect the LIME2 to the USB hub twice: first I connect the mini USB cable to the OTG port. This gives power to the board and works fine.

But when I connect the HUB's USB cable that you can see in the amazon picture to the LIME2, the HUB cuts power for a few seconds.

Note that the same happens if I connect the HUB to another device, like a regular Desktop PC.


Some sort of power thing.  Try the power jack instead of OTG and see if it stops this and then figure a long term fix.



I am afraid with the behavior from this hub you can't make it work how you want without modifying the hardware from hub or the A20 with like a capacitor to bridge the gap   


As you said the same issues happens with the desktop, I'd say this was a feature of the hub.

This sounds like it is detaching the devices and then re-attaching so that the device on the PC side gets a chance to detect the devices. This could be standard behavour.


Quote from: OniNiubbo on December 18, 2014, 12:53:19 PM

... Is it normal for powered USB hubs?

Try to open hub's enclosure and see what USB controller chip is inside - this can help to figure out its behaviour.