Unable to connect to tool AVRISP mkII

Started by lhern034, January 15, 2015, 12:07:32 PM

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Hello,  I was attempting to write a program into the ATMEGA1284 using the programmer AVR-ISP-MK2 by Olimex with my windows 7 and windows 8 computers but the AtmelStudio can not read it.

The error message reads:

Unable to connect to tool AVRISP mkII (000200212345)
Timestamp:   2015-01-15 01:55:39.480
Severity:      ERROR
ComponentId:   20100
StatusCode:   1
ModuleName:   TCF (TCF command: Tool:connect failed.)

Could not establish communication with the tool

Is there a way I can fix this? I tried updating the firmware but, it still does not read it. I am using Atmel Studio 6.2.



The same for me
The system is win 8.1

Timestamp:   2015-02-28 23:01:01.183
Severity:      ERROR
ComponentId:   20100
StatusCode:   1
ModuleName:   TCF (TCF command: Tool:connect failed.)

Could not establish communication with the tool.

If I select the device in atmel studio or call atprogram it hands and then the error appears.

I have tried:
1. Update firmware driver
2. Downgrade atmel driver bundle
3. Reinstall IDE
4. Use USB2.0 to connect the device
5. Reinstall libusb
6. Uninstall, delete drivers

At the same time the device WORKS on old laptop with win 8.1. But I can't figure out what is wrong on the new system

Done! Working! After 3-d time of doing this

What was the difference this time:
Driver verification disabled from cmd (with administrative privelegies) by:
bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON

(To enable it back)
bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Carefully restarted after each step


I might have a simpler solution to the problem. The reason of this error is that Atmel Studio 6.2 expects the AVRISP to run the libusb drivers, which apparently wasn't the case previously.

To fix this error:

- Download Zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/. Zadig is a USB driver manager for Windows, and saved me a hundred times this year. The last version comes with the libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) driver embedded.

- Open Zadig, Options, List All Devices. The AVRISP mkII device should appear in the list.
- Replace its current driver by libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)

That's it! No restart required :)

Let me know if somebody had the same issue and was able to solve it this way.

Stub Mandrel

I have registered with this forum just to say a big thanks for your driver fix for the AVR ISPII  - It worked, and I was pulling my hair out.



Quote from: Ant2N on May 19, 2015, 12:53:33 PM
I might have a simpler solution to the problem. The reason of this error is that Atmel Studio 6.2 expects the AVRISP to run the libusb drivers, which apparently wasn't the case previously.

To fix this error:

- Download Zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/. Zadig is a USB driver manager for Windows, and saved me a hundred times this year. The last version comes with the libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) driver embedded.

- Open Zadig, Options, List All Devices. The AVRISP mkII device should appear in the list.
- Replace its current driver by libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)

That's it! No restart required :)

Let me know if somebody had the same issue and was able to solve it this way.

good job! been searching for a fix for months and this does it.


So after being completely unable to get avrdude working with the AVR ISP MKII on my Mac, I'm trying it now in a Windows 8.1 Pro VM. I'm trying the Zadig approach, I replaced the AVR Studio-installed drivers with libusb-win32, but when I try to "Run" in AVR Studio (6.2 I believe) I get:

Could not write message to libusb0 connection: libusb0-dll:err [_usb_reap_async] timeout error

I've replaced the firmware on the AVR ISP MKII back to what it was originally, instead of the "upgrade" for avrdude that I had on there before.

Has anyone solved this one?


It turns out I did have to reboot after all. This worked great after that, thanks!


Quote from: Ant2N on May 19, 2015, 12:53:33 PM
I might have a simpler solution to the problem. The reason of this error is that Atmel Studio 6.2 expects the AVRISP to run the libusb drivers, which apparently wasn't the case previously.

To fix this error:

- Download Zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/. Zadig is a USB driver manager for Windows, and saved me a hundred times this year. The last version comes with the libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) driver embedded.

- Open Zadig, Options, List All Devices. The AVRISP mkII device should appear in the list.
- Replace its current driver by libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)

That's it! No restart required :)

Let me know if somebody had the same issue and was able to solve it this way.

awesome. works perfect. thank you


Thank you Ant2N, my AVR ISP MKII works fine on Windows 10 x64 after I applied your solution. Much appreciated!


Registered here just to say that Ant2N's fix worked great.

Windows 10
Atmel Studio 7

Device recognized by Windows but Atmel Studio didn't show it connected. Tried all kinds of driver install/uninstall with no effect. Using Zadig to replace driver with libusb-win32 immediately fixed the issue. Atmel Studio 7 recognized device and performed a firmware upgrade without problems.

Thanks for the tip!


Ant2N, thanks for posting that.  I had issues with atprogram.exe not functioning from the Atmel Studio 6.2 and 7.0 releases prior to trying your libusb drivers suggestion.  Haven't given the IDE tool a shot, yet

I wonder why Olimex doesn't have this on their their product page.   


Quote from: Ant2N on May 19, 2015, 12:53:33 PM
I might have a simpler solution to the problem. The reason of this error is that Atmel Studio 6.2 expects the AVRISP to run the libusb drivers, which apparently wasn't the case previously.

To fix this error:

- Download Zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/. Zadig is a USB driver manager for Windows, and saved me a hundred times this year. The last version comes with the libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) driver embedded.

- Open Zadig, Options, List All Devices. The AVRISP mkII device should appear in the list.
- Replace its current driver by libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)

That's it! No restart required :)

Let me know if somebody had the same issue and was able to solve it this way.


The Zadig solution did not work for me.
The error message looks close to what it did before but not exactly:

Unable to connect to tool AVRISP mkII

Timestamp:   2015-11-12 03:47:52.894
Severity:      ERROR
ComponentId:   20100
StatusCode:   131118
ModuleName:   TCF (TCF command: Tool:connect failed.)

Target not detected

I am trying to communicate with a XMEGA Xplained A1 through PDI and I have followed the instructions posted at avrfreaks for connecting the PDI correctly.
This is on Windows 8.1 pro.

Do anyone know what's wrong?



Did you run it as Admin?

It always works...



No, but I did run both the driver changing software and Atmel Studio 6.2 again as admin and it was no change.
The power does at least get through to the board, I am going to try and see if AVRdude manages to communicate with the board.



It may be the changes in Atmel 6.2 as others have posted about it being broken as installed.  I forget wht the fi is but it's been posted.

(I use Linux where using tools just works.)



Did these posts mention any solution to this problem or do I nee to change atmel studio version.
Atmel Studio 6.2 is the first and only atmel studio(AS) I have used and I know that 7 has come out, but in XMEGA documentation they recommend AS 4 or 5. Is these still relevant to people like me who are just getting into programming mcu's and focus is on XMEGA and PDI programming?
